Blog Post

Spring is bittersweet this year

  • By Tallie Schroeder
  • 09 May, 2019

So much has happened both good and sad since the last entry in February.   We’ve had the Men and Women’s day breakfast, which was a huge success. The Brothers gave the Sisters a Mardi Gras themed feast complete with cake, live music, and a little karaoke on the side. 

Deacon Shipp also celebrated his 100th Birthday here at the church. Pastor Rose and his sister, Carolyn, did such a wonderful job with the table centerpieces.  

We also celebrated the 147th Church Anniversary on March 17th with a living legend, Rev. Dr. Harold Middlebrook. He was with Martin Luther King on the day he was assassinated and has worked tirelessly for the Civil Rights movement to this day. It was truly an honor to have him as a keynote speaker for the celebration. Thank you to Pastor Rose and Sister Tammy Carter for all of their efforts.

But on the sad side, we lost a few great souls…Shortly after the Men and Women’s Breakfast, we lost a wonderful friend in Bud Lipscomb. He passed suddenly on March. He was a regular guest at Bible Study on Wednesdays and a great supporter of Second Baptist Church.  

We also lost Sister Emma Mallory on March. She was a long standing member of the church and touched all of our lives with her presence. We extend our thoughts and prayers to her family.

We also lost Deacon Ron Williams suddenly on March. As lead carpenter on the West Baden Springs renovation, he will be sorely missed – not only for his skills as a carpenter, but for his good humor and friendship to all. He was so excited to attend our upcoming trip to Washington D.C. that we’ve renamed it as the Deacon Ron Williams Memorial Tour. Our prayers are with his wife, Christina, and his three daughters.

Deacon Emeritus Gene Shipp
Sister Emma Mallory
Deacon Ron Williams
Our Dear Friend Bud Lipscomb
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